Culture - Mother Tongue Versus Other Tongue

With inter-cultural marriages creating a potpourri of population, defining a mother tongue has become quite challenging In the Hindi heartland, mother tongue is a misnomer. We officially claim our mother tongue to be Hindi, even though our mothers speak Angika, Bhojpuri, Maithili, Vajjika. Braj or Avadhi. The identities of allContinue Reading

Culture - Lets Burn the Ravan Within

While Eastern India celebrates Durga Puja, Ramlila is more prominent in the North during Navratri When I came to Delhi, one thing that struck me was the prominence of Ramlila during Navratri/Durga Puja. It was not so in my town Deoghar, which falls in the eastern part of India. MyContinue Reading

Culture - Are we losing the human touch

Increasing use of social media is adversely affecting our social lives by reducing face-to-face interactions How often do you find yourself looking at your smartphone when you’re driving or talking to someone? Don’t you prefer to use online location maps instead of stopping by to ask strangers for directions? WhatContinue Reading

Spirituality- East _ West A Cultural Potpourri

Can we embrace the modern, progressive ideas of the West, while preserving the core Indian values of spiritualism and inner contentment? Amidst all the chaos and conflicting influences of globalisation and economic development, the increased free flow of information across boundaries has increased our exposure to many diverse cultures acrossContinue Reading